
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

I feel you moving! December 29, 2008

Filed under: development stages,pregnancy — rakster @ 4:30 pm
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Hi Speck,

Quick note to let you know that I’m still thinking of you, have just been busy running around with your dad getting ready for the drive back to Sydney and seeing friends and family etc.

And I’ve been meaning to let you know that I’m 99% sure that I felt you down there!!!! It was three and two days ago now, and I felt some consistent movement which I find impossible to put into words. Other women I was talking to described it as a ‘flutter’. Not sure that’s what I’d describe it as but it felt different to the achey pains and occassional sharp twinges I’ve been feeling right at the bottom of my abdomen. This was much higher and felt softer and just, well, different. I felt it quite a few times over a half hour or so, then again the next day.

Anyway, thought I’d let you know! I was excited.

Love you



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