
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

My big girl July 21, 2012

Dear Little Miss L,

or, as you are more frequently called in our house: boo boo.

Boo boo. Derived from Boona. Which rhymes with Luna. As in Luna Boona, shortened to Boo boo. Of course.

I feel remiss in a number of ways. Not only did your first birthday pass without my mentioning it here, but as I have sheepishly admitted to a number of people, it was so uneventful that we even forgot to take a photo of you on the day.

So, a belated public Happy Birthday my darling.

You are a cheerful, happy, rotund and gleeful little even-tempered darling. We all love you dearly, most of all perhaps your brother. Who climbs into your cot each morning to play as soon as he wakes up. We wake most mornings to the sound of the two of you giggling gleefully from your room.

And often at night that is the sound of you going to bed too: you and Oscar playing “the giggle game” with each other from separate rooms (you both quickly worked out it was a game that could be played without the need to see each other)…

Luna, you are beautiful and we love you very much.





the link for those who can’t see it