
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Your first toy February 13, 2009

Filed under: pregnancy — rakster @ 10:16 am
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Hello little speck!

Well, we made it to nz. You kicked like crazy the whole way over on the plane. I wonder if the pressure felt different to you? It was a little strange that you were so active, though I also ate a bit of chocolate, so it could have been the sugar and caffeine in that…

Anyway, your dad and I have had a lovely time wandering about Christchurch today. We bought you some things: a Mountain Buggy pram is the biggest one. It’s in a big box and despite knowing what it looks like I’m keen to pull it out and look… But I’ll restrain myself. Got a blue one with a tangerine wool liner as that was all they had left. I figured you’d just like the bright colour of the liner and not be too concerned about how colour co-ordinated you were.

That was pretty exciting. And then at the markets I found you a very cool first toy… It’s original and just for you! I hope you like it!

Love you



4 Responses to “Your first toy”

  1. Grandma Says:

    Oh. cute toy. My rabbit is much more subdued. Damn. Still cute however. They’re changing the baby toys, from nursery book to ow little world creatures. Happy Valentines Day last night to yur Mum and Dad.xx

  2. aunt1 Says:

    hahahah what an odd little toy! i bet speck loves it and drags it round the house until it’s all worn and loved like my brown bear 🙂

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