
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Your first tooth. For real this time! February 2, 2010


Well baby, you got your first tooth for real today. Yes, I know I’ve blogged about your previous weird ‘tooth’

(which, incidentally is still there and a little weird, but I’ve just gotten used to ignoring it), but today, no mistaking it, a real tooth has emerged.

In the right spot: front and centre on the bottom row. So today you’re 7 (seven) months and one week old and it has emerged. Slightly slower than the average milestone date, I think, but right on cue according to Mayo Clinic.

You slept for HOURS this morning (I took your cue and had a sleep-in too – much needed as your waking in the night has had me a bit short of zzzz). And you are at it again now. SO – teething must be an energy-consuming ordeal. Not too much crying, just a bit clingy.

You bit my boobies when you were feeding yesterday and there was no tooth. Gee I hope you don’t do it too often from now on..

love mum

p.s. I tried to get a photo but it proved difficult…


p.p.s. JFARCA958Y42


1 Responses to “Your first tooth. For real this time!”

  1. Lindy Says:

    Yay First tooth! I remember waiting and waiting for Aeryn’s first one – I think she was about 9 months old. It seems like they keep popping up every now & then, and in no time they start to fall out! Aeryn has lost 3 now – the last being yesterday when she ran into the wall with her head. So we’re back to waiting for the new teeth to emerge!

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