
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Howdy stranger. I can’t stop thinking about you! October 19, 2008

Filed under: healthcare,pregnancy — rakster @ 12:59 pm
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Hello Speck! Sunday today – relaxing in the garden.

Well, blood tests on Friday showed that something is definitely there which is making me produce pregnancy hormones. I do hope its you (see, still in slight shock / denial)!

Apparently there was about a measure of 500 somethings. The doctor told me this doubles every day. Normal levels are less than 50? I could have that all wrong. But basically it means you’re there, and I need to wait a few more days until you’re a bit bigger before I go and get a “viability” check. That sounds scary, and I think it is really. But I guess we just have to wait & see. That’s on Wednesday.

Yesterday I did my corporate finance mid-semester exam, which surprisingly wasn’t too hard. I managed to concentrate for 2.5 hours and only thought about you about 10 times in that 2.5 hour period. In between net present value calculations. Fun. Finished that, then your dad came and picked me up and we to the bookshop and bought the Kaz Cooke “Up the Duff” book which I’ve seen at other people’s houses; went car shopping (we nearly bought a new one in the heat of the moment but I think wisely decided we were rushing into things & needed some time to think); and then we went over to Coogee for a BBQ at Deano’s. It was a glorious day – a bit hot but blue and not too sweaty. Sat around and drank ginger beer (yep, no more wine for a while I’m afraid – sorry about that glass the other day – I’m feeling guilty even though Kaz has told me its not going to kill you) and had a great hunk of fish and salad. After a few hours I felt pretty tired, so we had a quiet night at home. With another night of intermittent sleep. God, I hope I can sleep normally again soon. I need to do some more breathing exercises before going to bed perhaps.

Today is Sunday and your dad has gone to Bunnings to buy some tomatoes. I must be pregnant because there is something definitely weird with my hormones – one minute I’m happy & dancing around the house (like now to a live version of Daft Punk’s Harder Faster Deeper Stronger – which rocks – very jealous of your Aunt going to the concert last year in Japan) and the next minute I’m crying for no reason. He is planting out the back garden with some summer herbs.

The garden here doesn’t get very much sun in winter, so they all seem to die-off. I’ve read this morning that I should also be eating lots more parsley. Hopefully he’ll pick some of that up too.

I was going to go and buy a new bikini today but I’m not sure now if I can be bothered. Its all too far away. I might just do it another time instead. Maybe I should go & buy some wheatbran and eat it by the kilo. It seems like it has a bunch of nutritionally useful things that might help you grow up to be healthy & happy. As you can see I am presently obsessed with what I should or not be eating. The last chapter of Kaz focussed on that. Your dad was offended that I thought he wasn’t doing a good enough job looking after me and cooking a balanced diet for me when I read the book this morning and came up with suggestions to change our diet slightly. I didn’t mean to offend him at all – he does an amazing job – but I think my nutrition requirements will be somewhat different having to cater for you as well.

Hope you’re well down there. Get some rest.

love mum


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