
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

A little rest May 2, 2013

Filed under: exhaustion,family,healthcare,Parenting — rakster @ 8:12 pm

Little Miss L is a bit under the weather.



But happy she has dogs on her jarmies.


Potty time October 30, 2012

Filed under: family,healthcare,potty training — rakster @ 12:42 pm

We dragged the potty out of the storeroom a few weeks ago. I’m optimistic that although L is only 16 months, as summer approaches we can get a little potty action in.

So we’ve been practising sitting on the potty. She loves it: it’s like a ride with handles, and she can sit on it while her brother is in the toilet. Awesome for her (not so awesome for the parent who needs to remain in the bathroom while the three year old poos… Lots of grunting and not a great smell, all accompanied with incessant chatter)..

Two nights ago while getting in the bath, just as O did a poo, L shouted “wee wee, wee wee” and demanded to be in the potty. I obliged. She sat there for a minute, then said, “wee wee” and got off. And promptly did a big turd on the floor…

It’s difficult being a parent: having to say, “good girl” in an excited and encouraging voice whilst at the same wiping up freshly deposited poo from the bathroom floor with the one free hand (the other making sure so stray 1 year old hands enter said deposit)..

Anyway,I put it down to fluke or just good timing.

Cue this afternoon, another clear “wee wee, wee wee”. We went and had a sit for a few minutes. Then suddenly she stands up, hops off the potty and, yep, you’ve got it: poos on the floor again.

Repeat simultaneous cleaning and congratulatory remarks.

Aaah.. Moving forward!



Poos and all… January 11, 2012



It is O’s first day back to kindy this year today.   I have to admit that I am feeling more than slightly relieved.   It’s hard to keep two of them at completely different stages occupied during the days when it is 32°C outside.  Things go a little crazy.  I do find solace in the knowledge that it’s not just in our house we are suffering from post-christmas craziness

This morning I had a lovely 5 minutes to myself to drink a cup of tea.  I sat down and thought about a post I’d like to write.  A nice, cheery, makes me happy kinda post.  So I came into the study to download the photos to the computer for the post.  Then, BAM – this is what I found on the camera:


what is that on the floor?

Nice. There were more, close-ups, but I figured I’d spare you those (thanks Husband for the lovely memories – preserving those special moments on camera is joyous, is it not?).

Still with me? (I’m expecting a large proportion of you to have stopped reading after the photo. Hey, it’s gross. But it’s also the life of a parent of a small child. Real. And the story is a little humorous.)


The backstory (get-it? I seem to be developing my husband’s appalling sense of humour)

So I’ll take you back to early the morning of the photo of the poo in the hall – as I was showering.

Enter little O, boldly striding into the bathroom with a big work ethic and helpful smile.

“Hi Mum!  Are you having a shower?”


O looks around and notices that the toilet roll is empty (mmm blame someone who shall remain nameless),

“Mum, this is empty.  Don’t worry, it is my work.  I will get another one.”

He then proceeds to take the old empty toilet roll off the wall, puts it carefully in the rubbish bin in the bathroom, goes the to the cupboard, gets a new roll of toilet paper, carefully hangs it, all while humming happily to himself.

“Mum! I’m finished.  I got a new one and fixed it!”

“Why thank-you darling.  Excellent job.”  I say.

And off little Poogie trundles, out of the bathroom off to the next adventure / his “job”.

And I think to myself, in a very smug and self-satisfied way,

“Awesome, I’ve trained a little boy to do the toilet paper roll.  Hands-down beats his dad.”



Which of course was the precursor to the poo in the hallway above.  My self-congratulatory thoughts and a lack of touching wood is what I think caused it.  In reality perhaps it was the brain of a two and a half year old trying to cope with the following contradictory thoughts:

“mmm.  I need to poo.

mmm.  Best get to the toilet ” (He has pooed in the toilet for 12 months now with the number of accidents countable on one hand)

“mm.  I’m in my bed and it is sleep time.  Not allowed to get out of bed or leave the bedroom during sleep time.

ah.  Really need to poo.  Aaah.  Mum is going to be mad if I leave the bedroom.

Ah.  Need to poo.  Need to poo.

Aaaaahhh.   That feels better.”

While this was going on I was working at my computer, his Dad was doing the same in the kitchen.  With both kids asleep (so I thought), the house was very quiet.  Then I heard a great big ripping fart noise.   And called out,

“Disgusting, was that you??”

So it was only after I heard the answer,


That I stuck my head around the door to look down the hallway.  And saw a little boy standing above that poo in the picture.  Looking forlornly at me.  Saying,

“Sorry Mum, I did a poo.  It’s on the floor.”



And it was all I could do to keep myself from peeing myself with laughter.

“Mum, I did a POO!”


And she has started eating…. We are going baby-lead-feeding.. December 20, 2011

In other developments around our house, the littlest member of the family has started on her food adventure. I don’t know if I managed to get a photo of her first food (cucumber), but since then we’ve introduced a range of vegetables, a little fruit, and a bit of meat (cooked by her daddy), bread and crackers. Did I mention that you got your first tooth about 2 months ago at 3 months old?? Well, regardless of teeth, you are into food.

I remember when little O first had food like it was yesterday. Avocado. You haven’t tried that yet. Will have to add it in.

Dear Little L:
So far, your favourites have been: steamed / fresh snow peas (preferably from the garden) and turkey. Yes, your Dad cooked a Christmas turkey on the weekend and you are very much into it. We are giving you only whole food: the baby-led feeding approach (read this brochure if you want a quick summary on it). So your sit in your bumbo or on our laps, and get whole bits of veges and other stuff to play with and eat as much as you can of. And since starting, your hand-eye co-ordination has improved out of sight and you have no trouble getting the food from your plate to your mouth. And there is definitely some going down, as is evidenced by the seeds and other bits and pieces I can see in your poo. mmmmm… All good fun. We spoon-fed your brother a bit at the beginning but he really wasn’t into it at all so soon changed to the baby-lead feeding approach. For him it didn’t make much difference – he is just a little skinny thing. You seem a lot more into food so far in general. Thankfully. It is nice to have a little robust baby after the skinny minny your brother turned into at around six months (and still remains).

love mum

So around here mealtimes are a family affair.  It’s fun to see:

munching on some cheese: baby-led feeding

a family meal

Love and kisses 🙂



my baby is 4 months old!! Friday napping. And on sleep in general. November 4, 2011

Little Luna, or Boona or Boo Boo as we affectionately call her, is now four months old.


How time flies.


She is having a nap.  So cute.

the sleeping babe: friday nap-time


On my side, I’ve been noticing the effects of a cumulative lack-of-sleep and breastfeeding multiple times in the night for the past four months.  Most particularly:

  • bruises all over my body.  I seem to have a lack of spatial awareness and co-ordination.  Which means I just run into things all the time.  At speed.  So I am black and blue.  I’m at one large bruise a day at the moment….
  • inability to control my facial muscles, particularly around my mouth, when talking sometimes.  Like, they just go a bit crazy on their own.  As if I were going to cry or something, in the middle of a normal conversation.  I get odd looks from the people I’m talking to.  Weird.   I hope this one disappears soon…

But on the positive side, Luna is well over the 100% percentile for weight, which is awesome as O is still off the other end of the scale.  So at least I have one fat little dumpling.  Yay.  And she slept through the night for three nights in a row – from 6:30 pm to 4:30 am this Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, before reverting on Wednesday and last night to a single feed at 2:30 and then another at 6:30 am.  WIN!  I’m hoping that this is the start of a new period which lasts for at least a few weeks!!


This is my life.  Feeding, sleeping, eating, watching, learning and trying to rest in-between.


But the rewards are big.  Look at this beautiful girl!!


Luna playing. Our little boomba.



Juggling a temper with an ear infection… and cuteness.. September 15, 2011

Day three of an ear-infected, cranky little boy. And a sleeping-a-lot-trying-to-fight-it-off little babe.

Mummy is going a bit stir crazy. She was seen stalking the neighbour’s cat with a squirt gun this afternoon through the back garden… By a workman who she didn’t notice in the other neighbour’s garden. Nice look. He waited until she had been down there for about 5 minutes acting like a dodgy commando-action-hero actor before he made his presence known by raucous laughter. She was a tad embarrased. But granted, she was doing it as the blasted cat was trying to eat her two new chickens. And for some light self-entertainment (she makes her own fun). The workman graciously pointed out where the chickens had gone and where the cat was hiding when his laughter subsided.

As you can see, fours days with two children at home all day, one of whom is on full whine/tantrum/attention-needing at all waking hours, with very little adult human interaction, has left her unable to speak in the first person anymore. She has reverted to full third-person child-speak. God-knows why.

The only saving grace was a few minutes last night when she was preparing dinner. Little O was very excited to be at the big table on his new grown-up big chair and was entertaining his sister with the gift she so carefully chose for him when she was born.

entertaining the little sister


drilling - hard work


A little bit grumpy… but out to solve that. With Cake. 28 weeks and counting. April 7, 2011

So, not sure what happened to the happy hormones, but they kinda just upped and left me all alone with the grumpy ones about a week ago.  It co-incided with my pelvic-floor/back deciding that it really only had the stamina to hold a growing baby until week 28 and that it was just going to give up and go with the strain of it all.  Pity it didn’t co-ordinate with my nerve-endings and decide to release a bunch of serotonin at the same time – that would have made it bearable.  Why can’t we control that ourselves??


So.  Grumpy 28-week pregnant lady on the loose.


That is me.


Thankfully however a few months ago I booked myself my first trip-away from child #1 (Poogie) down to Sydney for this week.  So here I am in Sydney for a few days, sans-child and sans-husband.


A bit of work, and a bit of play before I’m not allowed to fly anymore.  So today, after a day at work yesterday, I plan to shake off the grumpiness by consuming all manner of sweet desserts at Adriano Zumbo’s after a short walk from the relaxing lounge where I am currently reclining at Chez Shef’s…. (thank-you for welcoming me into your home – read: letting me invade and take over once again).


love mum


ps. I have just reviewed my state at 28 weeks in my last pregancy.  And lo and behold, surprise, surprise: I was grumpy, the happy hormones had deserted me, and I was compensating with dessert…


p.p.s. and to cheer me up this morning already, two of our dearest friends just welcomed their beautiful little girl into the world. So I’m smiling at least a little 🙂




Fever! (and counting) March 16, 2011



I had a premonition today that things weren’t quite right.  So I phoned your daycare at 2:00pm, when I knew you’d be sleeping, just to see how things were going.


“Great, great, great, he’s having a great day…”

I had a good chat with your teacher and all seemed well, you’d been interacting well, trying really hard to talk in whole sentences all morning, and having a ball in general.


Then 30 minutes later at 3:00pm I got a call:

“O has woken up and he has a bit of a high fever, your intuition was right!”..


So I went and got you – and you were a little crying mess of hot sweaty 38.9 degree celcius feverish boy when I got there.  Poor thing.  So we went home, took the advice of the hospital from last time and after you having some panadol did no cold compresses or showers or anything, just some quiet time reading and cuddling together in bed.   Which worked fine for the first hour while the panadol was still taking effect.


And I learned something about you through the constant stream of babble-talk that you went on with while in your half-sick-crazed state.  You can count to ten perfectly.  Over and over.  In the middle of sentences, like:

“Mummy, daddy, magpie up in the tree, eating icecream, and then big bang, hockey hockey ball ball, hit ball up up.  One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, um, eight, nine, ten.  Hungry caterpillar, magpie waddle giggle gargle, mummy….”

🙂 small things.  Kind of astounding because your Dad and I certainly haven’t taught you that.  And we don’t watch TV or anything that really has that kind of counting in it.  Must be osmosis at daycare!


love mum

(p.s. 21 months)


Dear Baby: Kick, kick, kicking away. February 15, 2011

Dear Baby,

So, I’m now 22 weeks pregnant, and all is going well.

I feel kinda guilty about not writing more about this pregnancy on the blog – sharing more intimately what is going on, as I did last time.

But for some reason I just feel more at peace with the whole process, and for some reason, a little more private about it all too.  Just like it is a calm and peaceful journey that we are going on right now, and that we are getting to know each other quietly while you’re growing, moving and kicking around down in my slowly-expanding belly.

You feel to me like a different baby than your brother.  I can’t put my finger quite on how or why or what is different, it is just a different feeling.

Common to last time, I have a renewed vigour for food and all things edible.  Last week your dad was out for a meeting one night and wasn’t going to be back for dinner but I had a hankering for a nice meal, so I cooked myself a two course meal that I had a craving for.  It took 4 hours to cook, in between looking after and playing with your brother, getting him fed and bathed and to bed, but it was well worth it… (more…)


A memorable trip…. with sausage and prunes but no playdoh. February 10, 2011


I’ve lots to write but little time. Life is a bit of a blur at the moment. One needs time to make icecream and other savoury snacks to fulfill the pregnant urges (more on that another day). Oh yeah, and work fits in there somewhere too.

A snippet from last week.

The plane trip from hell….

We took a trip to Melbourne for an extra-long weekend.  It was awesome overall, which I’ll get to in another post.  But today, a bit about the flight, sausages, prunes and playdoh… (more…)