
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

your uncles are noisy April 21, 2009

Filed under: pregnancy — rakster @ 10:20 am
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Hiya down there big Speck,

As your uncle Jacob said yesterday, you’re definitely not Speck-sized anymore. But we still persist in calling you Speck. Or sometimes baby.

Its been a bit of a mad-house around here for the past few days. Your Grandad M & R went to Europe on Saturday morning, so both your Uncles came to stay – Jake for the weekend and yesterday, and Josh is staying for a few weeks. So it was boys, boys, boys around the house. Lots of talk about farting and horrible things like that. And some crazed x-box playing with 3 people trying to kill each other simultaneously. And smelly. Well, more smelly in our house than normal. There was a slight rebalance of power on Saturday night when your Aunt 3, Aunt 2 & their partners came over for dinner too. But still a lot of boys. Everyone at the dinner except for Tim and I think think that you are a boy. They are all excited to meet you.

We didn’t get up to that much on the weekend. The uncles & your dad went for a few bike rides – to the city, to the movies etc. I’m not confident with my balance on my bike anymore as my stomach looks a bit like I swallowed a beach ball, so I drove to the city and met them on one outing. Then walked around Roma Street Parklands looking at the fountains, trees and fish for a while. After coming home your dad and I did a bit more sanding on your cot. Did you know that cots have lots of edges? All the bars have to be sanded on all four sides. It is taking a while. And I’m sure you won’t even notice. But we will.

You seemed to be up and about bright and early this morning and have been thumping around in there for hours without a break. I don’t know what you’re doing, but its causing a lot of movement. I now have limited lung capacity and no evidence of ribs whatsoever. Its all bump and then boobs. So it must be getting pretty squishy down there for you?

Hope you’re well.
love mum


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