Well Poogie, I’m still sick. But I’m not going to dwell on it as it’s really boring and I’m over it. So. I got a few shots of you over the past few days that I wanted to share.
The increased mobility and ease with which you roll around has meant some interesting sleeping positions. I haven’t captured any of those, but got you just after you had woken up in the cot, trying to claw your way through the bars. I’m sure I put you to sleep with your head at the other end and actually under some kind of cover…
you’re trying to work your way out..
You are doing much better than me. Today is Saturday, so thank goodness, your dad is at home to keep you entertained all day (though big thanks to Grandma K who came over to help out for a couple of hours each day when I was feeling totally rotten and got you out and for a walk etc while I slept). You have been super-excited to see and play with your dad all day, with the biggest smiles reserved for him.
Playing with dad
You’re getting so big!
Love and kisses
P.S. I have been tapping away at my computer a little each day.. And yesterday we made the change – our blog is now moved and at www.my-speck.com … Our own new space to write away to our heart’s content. If you’re reading and you have it bookmarked, you can update your links, but the old blog is redirecting to our new home anyways. If you’re subscribed via emails, I think you mighta got an extra one yesterday, sorry! Hopefully it’ll all be back to normal from now. And lastly, if you already link to us from somewhere else, we’d appreciate if you could update your links (though again, the redirects will sort it out if you don’t)! thanks ..
P.P.S. Christmas is less than a week away and I haven’t managed to do much at all to get ready. Lots of presents and food NOT DONE YET. And no sign of recovery yet so a few people may be getting big hugs rather than nice wrapped gifts 🙂
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