so my new kitchen is NEARLY all done (just the splashbacks), so over the past week since we got back I’ve been unpacking kitchen boxes in addition to unpacking from the holidays. How does one accumulate so much stuff for one kitchen. Anyway, I found my favoured appliance yesterday in the second-last box. Yes, the second-last (hallelujah!). Have you guessed what it is?? Some previous posts might alert you: Grumpy and Emotional or the following, It’s your dad’s birthday….
Yes, it is my icecream maker. Yay. And I got what I wanted for Christmas: a copy of David Lebovitz’s the The Perfect Scoop.
So although yesterday I wanted to bust it right out and get cooking on some new icecream, I only had half an hour before we had to go into kindi for another visit (you’re transitioning to the new kindi at the moment). So I dug out my list of “To Be Cooked” that I have been tagging for the past few months as I read my way through blogs, cookbooks and other places that you find interesting recipes. And found just the thing. Inner Pickle’s Lemon Sago Pudding.
You helped me cook it
and then were quite content to eat it. Straight from the mixing spoon. Easiest recipe ever, and delicious.
So delicious I think I’m going to have to try to combine it with the icecream fetish and see if I can concoct a frozen / mixed variety… More on that later.
Thanks for helping with the cooking!
Love mum
P.S. I have now had to add to the diary a count of how many weeks pregnant I am as I keep forgetting. 18 weeks this week. And I’m getting used to the constant feeling of someone growing in my tummy again. It’s a reassuring, comforting, kicking feeling 🙂
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