
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

beach withdrawal…. October 20, 2011

Filed under: Parenting — rakster @ 2:04 pm

We had a great time at the beach late last week / over the weekend. We did a lot of playing, digging, walking, whale and dolphin watching, and of course, swimming. The water at Cylinder Beach, Stradbroke Island, was absolutely divine. Little O came ‘out the back’ with me, happily diving under on a count of “one, two, three” to get past the big waves when they were breaking over us, until we got past the break. The water was so clear it was like it was 2 inches deep when it was 8 feet. mmmmm.. And I got a few minutes all to myself to just float. Bliss.

feeding and playing on the beach....


I am suffering from post-beach-holiday withdrawal symptoms: thinking of next beach holiday and how it is too far away…

babes on the beach (hah!).

a few shots to share…


love a good self-take!


Thankfully we do have the next trip planned already. Camping in two weeks time for the weekend. Yay!


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