
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Reflux: the latest ailment February 21, 2009

Hiya Speck,

Hope you’re doing well. Your Dad and I are well, feeling thoroughly relaxed. I’m not ready to go back to work on Monday though :(.

We’re sitting in Queenstown airport waiting for our plane to Christchurch to come. We had a great time last night at the wedding and also had a relaxed day with J & J wandering through Queenstown and around the lake today. It’s always a bit sad how quickly the end of a holiday comes around.

So, what is new with you? Well, not much really! I trust you’re still growing away down there, getting bigger and bigger. I know you are as my latest ailment is gastric reflux, otherwise known as indigestion. Which means that you’ve now decided to encroach on the area of my internal body cavity housing an organ dear to my heart (yep, hanging out with your dad for days, I’ve caught the bad joke virus): my stomach. Damn damn damn, less food, more frequent eating and little antacid tablets will be the order of the day from now on.

Night times and attempting to sleep is when it is at it’s worst, waking me up and forcing me to eat a tablet or two to assuage the rising bile. Erk!

But otherwise all quiet on the Speck front.

Love you