
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Camping. Well, glamping. In a new tent. Hurrah. January 13, 2012

Filed under: activities for kids,camping,Parenting,Raising a Child — rakster @ 2:38 pm
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One of the first things we did after meeting (nearly 12 years ago now) was to go camping.

And one of our first purchases together was a tent.  We spent hours choosing a tent together.

I remember the occasion like it was yesterday.


I wanted a tent that would have enough room in the front vestibule that you could cook a meal, sit on the ground and hang-out if it just poured for the days you were camping.  Chris wanted a tent that you could almost/mostly stand up in.  We had very limited funds.  And no car: so whatever camping we were doing was by public transport or the generosity of friends.


Our first trip we lugged the new tent (more…)