
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Naked in the sandpit. August 4, 2010

I’d post a photo but I didn’t get one. Just a quick note to say that you are absolutely LOVING the new sandpit that G,K,F&L gave you for your birthday. And after a trip to IKEA on the weekend (which reminded me why we only ever go once a year), I finally remembered to buy you some buckets and spades and the like, and it is now even better.

Yesterday the weather was again glorious. A bit of a cold nip in the wind, perhaps, but in the sun at least 20 degrees (celcius). So plenty warm. Pretty good for mid-winter.

Anyway, your Grandma K came over to see you and you both had a lovely play down there in the garden (while I, joy of joys, worked on my statistics assignment.. yes, I went back to uni about 3 months ago, did I mention that yet?). Anyway, we stripped you down to your bare skin so you could have some fun and enjoy the feeling of the sand. And you loved it. There was a bit of a tantrum when I brought you upstairs again for your afternoon nap.

Loving it. Your Grandma and I decided unanimously that you were the cutest and most adorable baby on the planet. Though we did concede a slight bias.

Love you


P.S. And on the IKEA trip I managed to pick up a toy-box-containter thingo for your stuff. Before Sunday your toys were spread along the wall in the dining room, grouped in clumps and in re-usable shopping bags. Now they are neat and tidy and accessible in some great little tubs. Looks better, and much easier to find what you’re after.

toy storage

so much better – the toys in boxes and up off the floor.


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