
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Leaps and Bounds September 23, 2010

Hello Little Poogie,

It seems that something has switched ‘on’ in your big brain, and you are going through a ‘learning progression’ in leaps and bounds. Well, that is how it seems to me anyway.

Following the incident two days ago when you told me you needed to have a sleep, which I thought was most-likely a one-off miracle, you’ve continued to do that for the past two days at every sleeping opportunity. In the morning for your nap, in the afternoon for your nap, at night before bed, and, amazingly, when you were crying in the middle of the night and I took you to the kitchen to comfort you: you told me through tears that you wanted to go back to bed. “So there! mumma, I know what I want even if I am crying!” You went back to bed and cried a little more but then fell asleep.


Then today at swimming you pre-empted the teacher on just about every little exercise we do, throwing yourself into the water face-first at most opportunities to demonstrate that you knew your head was about to go under and bubbles were required. Almost caught me off-guard a few times.

And language. Well, verbal and non-verbal signing: there are so many new words each day, it’s incredible. Tonight you proudly told your Aunt R1 that we’d been swimming today by signing “swimming” (newly signed for the first time today), then told her verbally and with a sign (the first time you’d done this one ever) about the “bubba’s” at the pool that you saw (there are little newborn twins that are at the pool at the same time as us that you like to say hello to). Then you told her about the bike. Bike, I was thinking? Oh yeah, I remembered, we had to take your Dad’s bike to the repair shop this morning. So there was a bike. Nice one, you – you certainly have a better memory than me!

Other new words and signs for the past week:

  • corn
  • apple
  • arm
  • belly button “utton”
  • stick
  • chook (with the sign)
  • “hannah” – one of the girls in your swimming class

And there are more that I’ve totally forgotten at this point but I’m sure will wake me in the night….

Another lovely Thursday. I’m very proud of you.  We had fun.

love and kisses



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