
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Waving goodbye. And a bit of crying… – Movie Monday March 15, 2010

Hello Poogie,

your new trick for this week is improved communication.

We now definitely have “Mama”, “Dada”, “there” and that’s about it verbally that we can make out. But this weekend you added three hand movements:

  • “there” with a pointed finger,
  • “hello” with a wave, and
  • “goodbye” with a wave.

Didn’t manage to get a great one on film, but one nonetheless.  This is you saying goodbye to Daddy this morning as he left for work.  You’ve started to cry when he leaves…  Poor Daddy…

love mum


2 Responses to “Waving goodbye. And a bit of crying… – Movie Monday”

  1. Janelle Says:

    Dylan laughed at your movie, I guess he likes when other babies squeal! That was so sad at the end when he crawled after his daddy! Poor little guy!

    • rakster Says:

      🙂 that is cute. It’s lovely when they start to react to other people and babies. 🙂

      I’m still working on the BF post. Thanks for the inspiration.

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