
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Teaching ‘baby’ – Movie Monday January 24, 2011


When your Grandma K asked what you would like for your birthday last year, I asked that she get you a baby doll. As I figured no-one else would want to give you one (as you’re a boy and most people stick to gender-specific gifts even when they know kids of all persuasions like to play with a variey of toys). And I knew she would oblige.

And you have come to love your little ‘baby’. It comes and reads books with us, sometimes goes to sleep with you during your daytime naps, and generally you share things with him/her. I think that knowing mummy has a ‘baby’ in her tummy has made you think more about your baby too, so it has started to feature more prominently in playtime of recent. This video captures you ‘teaching’ and ‘helping’ baby on the two occassions recently when I managed to get the video going in time. Totally un-prompted, you were doing this when I came along and started the video recording…

love mum


Acrobatics at 17 months: Movie Monday December 6, 2010

A little light entertainment from last week after yesterday’s serious hospital post.

I should note that this is a video of you and me.  But you have been doing acrobatics at home with your Aunt R, who is a qualified children’s acrobatics coach, since you were old enough to do bends…  Unfortunately she got into uni in Melbourne next year (good for her, bad for you and us) so I’m not sure how we’ll keep your flexibility and strength up….




Movie Monday: Pride comes before a fall. Well, a jump technically. And bad parent award of the day. October 25, 2010


Friday afternoon, you were practicing your climbing skills again by repeatedly climbing up and down the furniture in the lounge room and I thought, “great, a chance to get a video. Haven’t done one in ages.”. (more…)


Hanging out the nappies (diapers) with Special Bonus: Sandcastles – Movie Monday August 9, 2010

See! Cloth nappies / diapers really aren’t that much effort at all – especially when you have help! (more…)


Is it a bird, is it a plane? YES! The amazing signing baby! – Movie Monday (once again belated) May 11, 2010


It’s belated Movie Monday again.  I’ve been busy, what can I say.

You have also been busy.  Learning.  Do you remember that I’ve mentioned that I had decided then started trying to teach you baby sign language?

Well, the fruits of my and your labour are starting to pay off.  (more…)


You’re so beautiful – Movie Monday April 12, 2010

Filed under: activities for kids,Movie,video — rakster @ 10:30 am
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Hello Darling,

You’re so beautiful 🙂

Enjoy the video. (more…)


Waving goodbye. And a bit of crying… – Movie Monday March 15, 2010

Hello Poogie,

your new trick for this week is improved communication.

We now definitely have “Mama”, “Dada”, “there” and that’s about it verbally that we can make out. But this weekend you added three hand movements: (more…)


Laugh your ass off Mark II (activities for children) – Movie Monday March 8, 2010

Hi Poogie,

You’ve taken the Laugh Your Ass Off Game to a whole new level.  You are regaling us with fits of laughter daily.  I managed to get this one on camera – it was just after you woke up from a nap.

This week it was laughing your ass off with dad…
