
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

End of year art show: toddler style. Love it! December 21, 2011

Dear Poogie,


we went to your end of year Kindy (daycare but we call it kindy) art show last week.  And it rocked.  I unfortunately didn’t manage to get any photos on the day in the rooms as when we went there was literally a tropical thunderstorm absolute downpour in progress and we got soaked legging it from the house to the car to the show and thus didn’t drag the camera along though the sheets of water falling from the sky.


It was a fundraiser for the kindy, so we had to bid on the items we wanted.  Not surprisingly, we bought a bunch of the pieces of art you have down throughout the year at the wonderful daycare you go to for three days a week..  I thought I’d take a few photos of some of your pieces to share.

Purple dot painting

“boat” sculpture.. named by you!

threaded and wound mobile


My favourite is the sculpture.  I had it beside my bed so that I could see it when I woke up, but you wanted to play with “my boats” so I had to hide it a bit higher (as selfishly I want to keep it for myself)..


Love mum


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