
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Swallows and Dinosaurs January 30, 2013

Filed under: activities for kids,cooking,imitation,playing — rakster @ 6:51 pm

Tonight was cookie baking: using beautiful new cookie cutters I found on my recent trip to Melbourne.

Both O and L joined in.

Dinner went down quickly then O chose to eat a swallow and a dinosaur.




End of year art show: toddler style. Love it! December 21, 2011

Dear Poogie,


we went to your end of year Kindy (daycare but we call it kindy) art show last week.  And it rocked.  I unfortunately didn’t manage to get any photos on the day in the rooms as when we went there was literally a tropical thunderstorm absolute downpour in progress and we got soaked legging it from the house to the car to the show and thus didn’t drag the camera along though the sheets of water falling from the sky.


It was a fundraiser for the kindy, so we had to bid on the items we wanted.  Not surprisingly, we bought a bunch of the pieces of art you have down throughout the year at the wonderful daycare you go to for three days a week..  I thought I’d take a few photos of some of your pieces to share.

Purple dot painting

“boat” sculpture.. named by you!

threaded and wound mobile


My favourite is the sculpture.  I had it beside my bed so that I could see it when I woke up, but you wanted to play with “my boats” so I had to hide it a bit higher (as selfishly I want to keep it for myself)..


Love mum


Familial likeness…. December 4, 2011

It’s been a crazy busy month, with bouts of a sinus cold coming and (hopefully) going.   Hence the lack of writing.


Around here, we’ve been busy GROWING.


Growing things in the garden.  But mostly, growing little CHILDREN.


Look at this one!

5 months and growing fast

5 months and growing fast

And I think the familial resemblence (her 5 to my 6 months) is uncanny:

the luna baby now – 5 months

me at six or so months

Do you agree??


and she was listening…sleep… September 23, 2011

So, after my last post where I complained about the lack of sleep

My little darling slept right from 7pm to 3:30am last night. Woo hoo! I got more than 3 hours of sleep in a row!

Win for the weekend.

I however went to bed with another case of mild-mastitis, so not feeling 100%, so the lack of eating regularly made it slightly worse and I felt like total crap this morning :(. Have since made up for that by shoving poor little L on the boob at every available waking moment. A few panadols later, I’m feeling alright..

this is what I feel like when I wake up. thankfully there is no-one to take photos of me.

Spent the morning at O’s daycare, as he was feeling like he needed some more mummy time. I went in and read some books, playing in the garden with the kids, then went to his ‘body gumbo’ (or body bumbo as he says) class. A bit of a mix between dance/movement and yoga. It was fun. I think I enjoyed it more than he did. I can now do my salute to the sun with an animal impression at each different position. WIN! We will now be doing more yoga/play at home. It rocked.


now I am enjoying some me-time while little L sleeps and O is at daycare.

the sleeping babe - I got her cot out a week ago so she has her own space in our room.


sleepy-head Luna, 13 weeks old

Tonight I am going out with my amazing sisters, all four of us, for a drink. So perfect timing with the whole lots of sleep last night.


🙂 have a good weekend everyone!


Was that “duck”????… Bad parent of the day award February 16, 2011

This week you’ve started to talk in whole sentences.  Like,

“The bird is in the sky. Up there.”

And the like.  And in addition to using your own sentences, you’ve decided to repeat verbatim what other people say to you, back to them:

“Let’s go eat now”; “Lets feed the chickens”; “I like eggs”….

So today I was pulling out of our street into the busy road on the way to drop you (O) at daycare when someone nearly hit me…  I swerved and said,

“Fuck.  Stupid asshole.  Did you see that, they almost hit us.”

Can you see where this is going???..




You proceeded to babble in the back about “ducks” with a certain inflection in your voice the rest of the way to daycare.

Nice one mum.

P.S. Yes, we have instituted the swear jar, as I’ve written about before. But at present the rules are that it only applies once you walk in the front door.  With the unspoken proviso that both your Dad and I try to adhere to it around you at most times….   But as I’ve also said before that I think I have contributed the most to the about $150 we’ve collected so far..


Bike Maintenance by a baby June 18, 2010

So in the spirit of adventure, I bought myself a new baby seat for my bike for my upcoming birthday. Your lovely Aunt C lugged it all the way back from New York with her..

Yes, it is a bit of a present for you too, as you’re obviously the one who will sit in it for the moment, but really it’s so I can have some bike freedom back! And your neck is now strong enough for safe riding as it will hold a helmet well without strain.

It’s a Wee Rider .. Which I spent a lot of time choosing but really who knows until you try it, right? So more on how it goes later.

Because before I can get you into the seat and we can pedal off into the horizon to explore the world to our heart’s content, we need to get it onto the bike and feel safe. (more…)