You just never know what will happen at dinner time…
Most nights little O picks at his food and has to be coaxed into even tasting most new things. We try to just relax about the whole thing, and not wheedle or cajole, but some nights we resort to it in frustration.
Generally we do try to eat around the kids too: by that I mean making meals that they like or are not as spiced as we might otherwise eat.
But tonight I decided to just cook something I felt like cooking. Actually a bit of experimentation.
So beetroot and yoghurt sauce + lentil pilaf.

And for once I has a son who ate without complaint, telling me that it “tastes great when I put all of it in my mouth at once!”
Who didn’t look like he was loving it, but for some reason tonight just decided to soldier through.
And gleefully declared at the end of the meal that he is looking forward to purple poo tomorrow.
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