
i'm pregnant and it's going to be a rollercoaster

Dear Baby…. and you name will be?? May 29, 2011

Filed under: Parenting — rakster @ 4:42 pm
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Dear Baby,


you may wonder why you never got a cute little ‘in utero’ moniker like your brother (‘speck’)… Feeling second-child syndrome already?


Well, yes, I have to admit, it is partially that.  My obstetrician puts it simply but aptly:

“Most women find that pregnancy just isn’t quite as exciting the second time, and there is usually another little one to drain your energy focus your time on”.

So yes, your Dad and I haven’t been as focused on your every move as we were with your brother (but believe me, we are still focused, particularly when you kick really hard – I think you definitely have a stronger kick than your brother did, I don’t remember it being quite so PAINFUL last time..).


But mainly it is because we just call you: (more…)


Dear Baby…. Hormones and horrible fathers May 28, 2011

Filed under: Parenting — rakster @ 2:48 pm
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Hello Baby,


well, I’ve finished work – woo hoo.


But all I could seem to do yesterday afternoon was cry.  For no reason really.


I went to pick your brother up from kindy, got out of the car, into the center and saw a friend and their daughter, and as he asked how I was, I said, “fine, fine” as a started to bawl.


Managed to recover marginally, and went outside to find you, at which point your teacher said, “Hey, how are you?”

And I started to cry uncontrollably again, saying “Why does everyone keep asking how I am? I’m fine.  I just can’t stop crying.” (more…)


you are there! October 28, 2008

Filed under: exercise,healthcare,pregnancy — rakster @ 11:02 pm
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Hi Speck!

Howzit?  Popped out from work today to the doctors to get a bloodtest following our appointment yesterday, and the doctor called just after 5 to say that apparently my body is trying pretty hard to make you comfortable and my hcg levels have risen from 526 two weeks ago to 36 000 today.  Which is a good thing.  I still need to go in and have a dating and viability scan with you, which is next Wednesday, but in the meantime its nice to know that my body is madly producing hormones to try to make you happy down there.  So suck them in and grow, got it?

What else? Well, you got your first big workout tonight too.  First night of frisbee summer season – you’re playing in Div 2 & Div 3 with me – so it was a pretty long & tiring but good run for the evening.  We went down in our first game 18-9 and down in our second by one point.  Really I didn’t notice you at all (which is not really surprising given how big you are), but I did notice the tyre-like fleshy protruberence around my belly which seems to mysteriously have grown since I stopped exercising nine weeks ago.  So that’s it – from later this week we are back on the exercise wagon.  The doctor said its pretty much impossible to shake you out, so short of getting hit by a car, biking to and from work is back on the agenda.

Its late, I’m very tired, and the naseous feeling I was having on the car ride home has now abated after eating toasted parmesan, tomato and chive sandwiches. So sleep well!

love mum

ps your dad says “you better love your mum you little shit”.  How sweet.